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By: Jeff

Any kind of smoked malt will do, Cherrywood or beechwood are preferred. Even better if you can smoke it at home! 12/28/2022

By: Dean

90m boil needed to get rid of any DMS, ferment at 62f. Should be done within 2 weeks. No need for finings, it will be hazy! 11/16/2022
Dean's Delicious Dopplebock

By: Dean

90m boil optional to increased melanoidins. Long ferment, up to 8 weeks to make it as clean and attenuated as possible 11/16/2022
White Ale

By: Pat

75m Boil.Coriander seed and orange peel added at flameout for classic white ale flavor 11/16/2022
Russian Stout

By: Pat

6 week fermentation, 68 degrees. No dryhop 11/15/2022
Red Ale

By: Marky Mark

60 minute boil, no dryhop. Fermentation should take 1 week, conditioning about 2 weeks. 1.060 target gravity. 11/14/2022

By: mork

1 Oz coriander seed 10/4/2022
First Hazy

By: jess

70F Fermentation, Day 7 dryhop if there is no diacetyl, and by Day 12 rack into kegs or bottles. Serve Fresh! 10/4/2022
Generic IPA

By: mark

No bittering hops, 72F fermentation, Dry hop the beer post fermentation 9/30/2022

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