White Ale

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  • DeanLooks like a great white ale, will have to try soon.


Created By: Pat

6 Gallons

0.25 oz (7 g) Czech Saaz Whole Hops 4%AA (15 min) 0.25 oz (7 g) Styrian Goldings 5% AA (15 min)

4.5 lbs (2 kg) Belgian Two-row Pilsner Malt 4.5 lbs Flaked Unmalted Wheat

Step infusion from 130f to 150f, 75 mins Sparge with 180f

1 oz Irish Moss for clarity at 5m

3944 Belgian Witbier

75m Boil.Coriander seed and orange peel added at flameout for classic white ale flavor

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